
 The following three photos are from a local residence.  They are scans of original 35mm printed photos.  These are only 3 of the best samples from this collection.  The photos were taken at various family events and holidays over the course of numerous years.  Most of the photos feature what appears to be a family posing for a portrait.  Smoking is not allowed in this house due to children, and WIPS personally analyzed the original photos to ensure that they were original unaltered prints.  Faces have been blurred to protect identities.
The photos on the left are the undoctored originals.  The right side features close ups, some have been sharpened to better clarify the shape in the photograph.

This photo features the entire family.  Father in the back, holding a toddler (right), with its leg dangling down and it's arm around him.  Also features the mother, who wears a hood and is holding a baby.
This photo features only the hooded mother holding her child.

This photo features the hooded mother, in a fashion the brings to mind the Virgin Mary.  On her arm is a child, but not the same toddler or baby.  This child has a more imp-like, monkey shaped body, with a large triangular head, and eyes that appear to glow white.  The image far right was embossed to show of any depth or 3-dimensional shape to anything in the photo.  The shape that was revealed was shockingly inhuman, but still humanoid enough to tell that it was looking directly at the photographer.
Another perception we saw was that the imp is riding on the back of a larger humanoid that has it's back turned and is walking away.  The face and eyes, however, remain unmistakable. 


Photo by Erik McCandless via Deer Cam.  Taken at Miller Cemetery.  Figure is transparent and 3-4 feet above the tallest person in the photo, who is about 6'6".  Photo analysts could not explain this.


Photo taken at Rockport Lincoln Pioneer Village in a cabin of a blue mist around Erik's leg.  There was no other light source than the camera flash, no glare from any surface, and the photo could not be recreated.